Widow reveals why she is in 'fake relationship'

Widow reveals why she is in 'fake relationship'

A widow who found her husband dead on the sofa after an argument said today she was pretending to be in a relationship with his brother for the sake of her children.

Ashlee Murrell, 33, said she was comforted by her brother-in-law Chris after her husband of seven years, Michael, suddenly passed away in May.

Less than two months after her husband's death, Mrs Murrell posted photos on social media of her in loving embraces with Chris, 36, which has prompted anger from the brothers' family.

But Mrs Murrell insisted there was no romance with her dead husband's brother - and claimed they were only giving the impression they are a couple for the stability of her three children.

The grieving beauty therapist from Wellington in Som erset said Chris is living with her and her children, but he is sleeping in a spare room.

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Mrs Murrell said: 'When Mikey died Chris was the first to come round and support me. 

'I was in pieces and he was a massive comfort, not just to me, but the kids as well.

'We saw how well the children were reacting to having him around.

Living with dead husband's brother: Ashlee Murrell, pictured, who found her husband dead on the sofa after a row said today she was pretending to be in a relationship with his brother

Living with dead husband's brother: Ashlee Murrell, pictured, who found her husband dead on the sofa after a row said today she was pretending to be in a relationship with his brother

Fake relationship: Mrs Murrell said she was comforted by her brother-in-law Chris, pictured, after her husband of seven years, Michael, suddenly passed away in May

Fake relationship: Mrs Murrell said she was comforted by her brother-in-law Chris, pictured, after her husband of seven years, Michael, suddenly passed away in May

Passed away: Michael, a carpet cleaner, pictured, was found dead on the sofa in May by Ashley after the couple had a row about him working such long hours

Passed away: Michael, a carpet cleaner, pictured, was found dead on the sofa in May by Ashley after the couple had a row about him working such long hours

Stability: Less than two months after Michael's death, Mrs Murrell, says she pretended to be in a relationship with his brother because he was a good influence on her children, pictured

Stability: Less than two months after Michael's death, Mrs Murrell, says she pretended to be in a relationship with his brother because he was a good influence on her children, pictured

'They are used to having their dad around so it is nice and so important for them to have a male figure in their lives.

'And so we were pretending to be in a relationship for their sake.' 

She added: 'Chris is not a replacement for Mikey. He is their uncle and always will be.'

Chris, an electrician, defended the bizarre relationship, saying it's natural to want to help.

He said: 'Losing Mikey came as such a shock. It felt like someone had stuck a knife in my gut.

'I drove straight round there to be with Ashley because she had no-one else.

'We're a close family and Ashley and I have been great friends for 10 years but since the loss we've become best friends. I've been a rock for her and she's been a rock for me.

'My mum finds a lot of comfort in seeing us support each other and I know Mikey would be happy to see I'm helping his wife and kids. I don't know any brother who wouldn't.'

'I am here to support Ashley and be a father figure for the kids but they are very clear on the fact that I am their uncle.' 

Support: Mrs Murrell, 36, says she was pretending to be in a relationship with her brother in law Chris for the sake of her three children; twins aged four and her 14-year-old daughter

Support: Mrs Murrell, 36, says she was pretending to be in a relationship with her brother in law Chris for the sake of her three children; twins aged four and her 14-year-old daughter

Row: Her husband Michael Murrell, a father of three, died on the sofa on May 16 after the couple had a row about how hard he was working as a carpet cleaner, doing 16 hour days 

Row: Her husband Michael Murrell, a father of three, died on the sofa on May 16 after the couple had a row about how hard he was working as a carpet cleaner, doing 16 hour days 

Shock: The beauty therapist said she woke up on the morning on May 16 to find her husband Michael, pictured, dead on the sofa. She added: 'When I came out of the bedroom and saw him the next morning I knew something was wrong straight away. He was lying exactly where I left him and his face was all discoloured - he looked grey.'

Shock: The beauty therapist said she woke up on the morning on May 16 to find her husband Michael, pictured, dead on the sofa. She added: 'When I came out of the bedroom and saw him the next morning I knew something was wrong straight away. He was lying exactly where I left him and his face was all discoloured - he looked grey.'

Loving father: Mrs Murrell met Michael in 2007 and married him three years later. They had four year-old twins and her 14-year-old daughter from a previous relationship

Loving father: Mrs Murrell met Michael in 2007 and married him three years later. They had four year-old twins and her 14-year-old daughter from a previous relationship

But the 'showmance' has gone down badly with some of the brothers' family - and Chris's estranged wife Terri Nelson. 

Their sister Christina Murrell posted on Facebook: 'I think it is so insensitive and so wrong of them getting together so soon after Michael has died. I do not agree with it.'

And Terri, mother of Chris's young daughter, added: 'My ex is clearly so f***ing disgusted with the fact he is f***ing shacked up with his dead brother's wife who passed not even two months ago that he has to make s*** up about me to make himself feel better.'  

Describing how the unusual domestic arrangement has split the family, Mrs Murrell said: 'It's been really important for me to have that help with the kids. There have been so many things over the last two months that I never would have got through without him. 

'From the day Mikey died to the present, Chris has been there for us.

'I'm just trying to provide a stable home for my kids and people are stronger when they are together. Nothing is stronger than a family unit.

'The fact that people are commenting such vile things is just disgusting. I've had death threats and people saying I suffocated Mikey. It's horrendous.

'People have even said they're coming for my kids and going to take out a contract to kill me and Chris. It is the last thing we need.

'It's crazy how people can just take one thing they've read and start judging a situation they don't understand at all.'

Mrs Murrell me t Michael in 2007 and married him three years later. They had four year-old twins and her 14-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.

The widow said she had a heated argument with Michael over how hard he was working after he returned home late from a 16 hour shift as a carpet cleaner. 

She made him sleep on the sofa and when she came out the following morning on May 16, she found him dead as she had left him. 

She said: 'When I came out of the bedroom and saw him the next morning I knew something was wrong straight away. He was lying exactly where I left him and his face was all discoloured - he looked grey.

'I walked over and touched him but he was cold and I jumped back and ran out the room. I started screaming 'your dad's dead' to my 14-year-old and ran into the street screaming 'Mikey's dead'.

After his death, Mrs Murrell learned her husband had been working extra hours to save up to take her to Prague for their anniversary on July 3

After his death, Mrs Murrell learned her husband had been working extra hours to save up to take her to Prague for their anniversary on July 3

Mr Murrell, pictured with his daughter, died after a 16 hour shift working as a carpet cleaner. His brother Chris said Michael would be pleased that he is supporting his wife and children

Mr Murrell, pictured with his daughter, died after a 16 hour shift working as a carpet cleaner. His brother Chris said Michael would be pleased that he is supporting his wife and children

Of Michael's dead, Chris said: 'Losing Mikey came as such a shock. It felt like someone had stuck a knife in my gut. I drove straight round there to be with Ashley as she had no-one else.'

Of Michael's dead, Chris said: 'Losing Mikey came as such a shock. It felt like someone had stuck a knife in my gut. I drove straight round there to be with Ashley as she had no-one else.'

The couple met in 2007 after being introduced by friends and tied the knot on July 3, 2010 (pictured on their wedding day) with his daughter in attendance

The couple met in 2007 after being introduced by friends and tied the knot on July 3, 2010 (pictured on their wedding day) with his daughter in attendance

'I blacked out and had to be carried back into the house by neighbours. It felt so surreal, I couldn't process it. I didn't feel like he was dead, I felt like he had left me.

'When the ambulance came and they confirmed he was dead I collapsed onto the floor and I was sick. Nothing made sense.

'I felt so guilty. I was so angry with myself for making him sleep on the sofa. I still find it so hard to think that my last words to him were out of anger.'

She later learned that Michael had been working extra hours to save money to take her to Prague for their seventh wedding anniversary on July 3. 

'When I found out he'd been saving to take us on an anniversary holiday it was awful - heartbreaking doesn't begin to cover it.

'Losing Mikey has changed my entire perspective on life. Life is too short to go to bed angry and not to spend every moment you can with your family.'

Chris, who has the word 'Bro' tattooed onto his knuckles in tribute to his brother, believes he would be happy that he is looking after his wife and kids. He said nasty comments directed at Mrs Murrell would have angered Micheal.  

'He would be turning in his grave at all the vile comments we've been getting,' he said. 'It's been a devastating year and this is the last thing we need.' 

Despite all the negative feedback and misinterpretations they have endured, Ashley and Chris are determined to keep acting as a family unit for the sake of the children.

Chris said his brother, affectionately known as 'Mikey' would be 'turning in his grave' at the comments Mrs Murrell has received from family and friends over the fake relationship

Chris said his brother, affectionately known as 'Mikey' would be 'turning in his grave' at the comments Mrs Murrell has received from family and friends over the fake relationship

Michael, pictured with his son, had been working long hours as a carpet cleaner to save enough money for a surprise trip to Prague with his wife to celebrate their seventh anniversary 

Michael, pictured with his son, had been working long hours as a carpet cleaner to save enough money for a surprise trip to Prague with his wife to celebrate their seventh anniversary 

Grief: On the death of her husband Michael, pictured, Mrs Murrell said: 'Losing Mikey has changed my perspective on life. Life's too short to go to bed angry and not to spend every moment you can with your family.'

Grief: On the death of her husband Michael, pictured, Mrs Murrell said: 'Losing Mikey has changed my perspective on life. Life's too short to go to bed angry and not to spend every moment you can with your family.'

Ashley said: 'We want to keep up the family unit despite everything that has happened.

'It might be hurtful to us but the most important thing is protecting the kids and we believe this is the best way.'

Chris added: 'Of course we are going to keep supporting each other. It is for the sake of the kids.

'And we know that Ashley's kids and my kids appreciate being around family.' 

Mrs Murrell went on: 'I knew something like this was going to happen, I knew he was doing too much but you can never prepare yourself for this. 

'Explaining it to the kids has been one of the hardest parts. I didn't at first but they kept asking when daddy was coming home. Now my little boy always asks if we can visit daddy in heaven - it's really hard.

'Some days are easier than others and I think I'm doing OK but then a day comes along where every little thing is a reminder.

'The other day I was driving along and the kids were singing in the back and it was all so happy but then I just started having flashbacks about finding him. It's going to be like that for a while.

'It's going to be tough doing all the firsts without him. I already had our first anniversary alone. All I know is that my feelings for him will never go away. He was too amazing to even describe him in words.'

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