J.K. Rowling apologizes for her Trump accusation — but not to Trump

J.K. Rowling apologizes for her Trump accusation â€" but not to Trump

In the latest round of J.K. Rowling vs. Donald Trump (her own personal Lord Voldemort), the novelist has apologized for her recent string of aggrieved tweets â€" but not to the president.

The "Harry Potter" scribe sparked a great deal of social-media backlash over the weekend after a viral video prompted her to accuse Trump of intentionally ignoring a 3-year-old boy whose spina bifida requires him to use a wheelchair. (You can watch that video here.)

For Rowling, the interac tion (or at least her perception of it) hit close to home.

"How stunning, and how horrible, that Trump cannot bring himself to shake the hand of a small boy who only wanted to touch the President," she wrote in a series of tweets.

"My mother used a wheelchair. I witnessed people uncomfortable around her disability, but if they had a shred of decency they got over it," Rowling continued in the Twitter comments, which have since been deleted. "So, yes, that clip of Trump looking deliberately over a disabled child’s head, ignoring his outstretched hand, has touched me on the raw."

The only problem? The video that initially prompted Rowling's diatribe was incomplete. The boy's mother, Marjorie Kelly Weer, penned a Facebook post over the weekend explaining that Rowling had misinterpreted the exchange.

"If someone can please get a message to JK Rowling: Trump didn’t snub my son & Monty wasn’t even trying to shake his hand," she wrote. Weer added that her son does not usually take well to handshakes, anyway. 

The video's raw footage depicts Trump initially kneeling down in an attempt to shake the young boy's hand (though his gesture was rebuffed).

Rowling apologized to the Weer family, but did not exactly extend a public olive branch to Trump.

"Multiple sources have informed me that that was not a full or accurate representation of their interaction," she wrote Monday on Twitter, on what happened to be her birthday.

"I very clearly projected my own sensitivities around the issue of disabled people being overlooked or ignored onto the imag es I saw and if that caused any distress to that boy or his family, I apologise unreservedly."

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