Carpet fitter caged for 3 years for downloading child porn

Carpet fitter caged for 3 years for downloading child porn

Robert Salisbury, 40, pleaded guilty to possessing hundreds of sickening child abuse images, and sharing more than 2,000 other vile movies and photographs of children on the dark web

Robert Salisbury, 40, pleaded guilty to possessing hundreds of sickening child abuse images, and sharing more than 2,000 other vile movies and photographs of children on the dark web

A carpet fitter who used his customers' broadband to download extreme images of animals and children has been jailed for more than three years.

Robert Salisbury, 40, pleaded guilty to possessing hundreds of sickening child abuse images, and sharing more than 2,000 other vile movies and photographs of children on the dark web.

His actions led to one innocent man being arrested and interviewed on suspicion of the offences.

The court heard how he even used the broadband connection of his former mother-in-law to view the disgusting material. 

Salisbury also admitted taking indecent photos of a child and vo yeurism against a woman. 

Salisbury, who owned a carpet and flooring business than turned over £100,000-a-year, was jailed for 40 months.

Sentencing him, Recorder Steven Evans said: 'You used the broadband connections of a number of your neighbours and friends.

'You also used the broadband connection of a couple who fitted a carpet for to access indecent images of children and as a result, the gentleman concerned was arrested, put in a cell and interviewed.

'He has had to suffer the embarrassment and humiliation of that. He is a victim of your offending.

'You have used the dark web deliberately to access and distribute these images covertly, you used friends, family and neighbours' (internet connections) to protect yourself from being discovered.'

Recorder Evans added: 'There are some p eople who think that in viewing indecent images of children, it is somehow harmless. The children in the images were abused by other people for your gratification. Young children were sexually abused and exploited - it is impossible to measure the harm that was done to them.

'If there was no market for it, those children would not by abused. Sadly, there are thousands of children out there being abused so that people like you can look at them. You told police that you have no sexual preference for children, but that is blatantly untrue.' 

Salisbury admitted possessing 175 extreme pornographic images of animals, as well as dozens of images of children ranging from category A, the most serious, to category C.

Nottingham crown court heard how Salisbury had filed the content according to the child's age which were as young as 10.  

Victoria Rose, prosecu ting, said: 'Police officers were alerted to the fact that indecent images had been accessed at the home address of the defendant. Other addresses believed to have been involved were later linked to the defendant.' 

Miss Rose added: 'Three folders which had been shared were found to contain 2,030 images. When his computer was analysed, officers found evidence that the defendant was aware of the encryption of computers and being able to hide his activities online.

'Clearly the defendant was very familiar with what to install to hide his activities.' 

Roger Wilson, defending, said: 'He is a son and a father - his mother, father and best friend are here again in court for him today. They are very supportive of him. They don't condone what he has done, but they love him and they are here for him.

'He was a professional businessman, he had a good company t hat was turning over £100,000 a year, he was a well-respected member of a small community on the outside, but on the inside he was struggling from around the time of his marriage break down.

'He describes his actions as an addiction, he couldn't stop himself. He even said he was relieved when he was arrested.

'Whilst in custody he has been a model prisoner, and he is determined to do his prison sentence and follow the courses to get him the help he needs.

'He has lost the respect of the village and brought shame on his family. He has huge bridges to build, but he knows he has no one to blame but himself.'


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