Kent couple who married as man and wife remarry as women

Kent couple who married as man and wife remarry as women

A couple who married as man and wife are set to renew their vows as a same-sex couple after the husband had a sex change.

Denise and Kristiana Taylor will walk down the aisle again 21 years after first getting married - but both wearing ivory dresses.

The couple renewed their vows in 2012 after more than 15 years of marriage, but just days later, former Royal Navy sailor Kristiana told Denise he wanted to have a sex change.

Kristiana broke down in tears just three days after the ceremony as they discussed Denise's dress, which prompted her to come out as trans.

But there is a part of her former self that lives on as they decided to call their son after Kristiana's birth name - Stephen.

Denise and Stephen Taylor at their first wedding with Lindsay Taylor (left) and best man Mark Chapman

Denise and Stephen Taylor at their first wedding with Lindsay Taylor (left) and best man Mark Chapman

Kristiana and Denise Taylor with Stephen Taylor who is named after Kristiana's birth name

Kristiana and Denise Taylor with Stephen Taylor who is named after Kristiana's birth name

Stephen (now Kristiana) and Denise Taylor at their wedding blessing in August 2010 in a field

Stephen (now Kristiana) and Denise Taylor at their wedding blessing in August 2010 in a field

Denise (left) and Kristiana (right) Taylor from Sittingbourne, Kent, sitting on the sofa 

Denise (left) and Kristiana (right) Taylor from Sittingbourne, Kent, sitting on the sofa 

The pair, who live in Sittingbourne, Kent, with their 14-year-old son, Stephen, have been together since 1996.

Kristiana, now a radiographer at Tunbridge Wells hospital, said: 'We're renewing our vows on August 17 and we both get to wear the dress this time.

'It's a blessing and a celebration of the 60-odd people that are invited, saying thank you for the support as we're so thankful.

'Something which could have torn us apart, actually brought us together.'

Kristiana, 49, left school at 16 and spent most of her life in the Royal Navy, serving in the Gulf War, but left in the mid-90s and soon met her future wife. 

Now, five years after beginning her transition - which also included gender reassignment surgery - Mrs and Mrs Taylor could not be happier.

Denise, a midwife at Medway hospital, added: 'I had my suspicions for quite some time, and every time I'd try to approach the subject we'd have a full-blown argument and she'd storm out.

Kristiana Taylor in a purple dress with matching necklace

Kristiana Taylor in a purple dress with matching necklace

'For me I thought, her as a man was having an affair or was gay and I kept finding things round the house and didn't know how to approach it and I was anxious of thinking what was going on.

'It was a relief more than anything.

'It made me better to know I hadn't physically been sharing her with someone else but actually someone that was trapped inside and was trying to get out.

'The way I saw it was that the inside's not changing, and that's what I married - so the outside didn't make much difference.'

The ceremony will take place at Judd's Folly Hotel in Ospringe, Kent.

Kristiana knew she was different when she was eight years old, but did not know why.

The jo urney from male to female was not easy and took years of hormones, GP visits and psychologist appointments, as well as laser, speech and gender therapy before she finally underwent gender reassignment surgery in 2016.

However, Kristiana does still suffer some discrimination - something they say is borne from stupidity and ignorance.

She said: 'We just come and go like anyone else. We're living our own lives.

'We're just a normal family, and normal is as normal as you make it.

'All I knew was that I felt comfortable wearing feminine clothing, there was a sense of attachment.

'But as a boy I felt the opposite of what I felt as a women.

'As I became older, these wants became more and more.

'Joining the Navy was a way of escaping it.

'You're telling yourself it's wrong all the time and you have coping mechanisms because you're hiding it and you're terrified your family, your friends and your loved ones will find out and reject you.'

Stephen Taylor, who later became Kristiana Taylor, crouches behind his wife Denise Taylor back in August 2010

Stephen Taylor, who later became Kristiana Taylor, crouches behind his wife Denise Taylor back in August 2010

Stephen Taylor, who is named after his birth name of his biological father, flanked by his parents

Stephen Taylor, who is named after his birth name of his biological father, flanked by his parents

When she left the forces, she kept dressing as a woman in secret and wife Denise had no idea.

Kristiana added: 'That went on for some years and then the feelings got more intense and it got to a stage where I started getting careless, as if I wanted to get caught.

'I left an earring out and she came in and asked me what it was doing there so I blamed it on my son, but he was only tiny at the time.

'The lead-up to what I'd call 'coming out' was about five years.

'I wanted genital surgery because I couldn't look at myself in the mirror, I felt sick, but you don't just turn up and say 'I want my bits sorted out'..'

'I was very matter of fact about it, I us ed to say 'I'll get my lady garden soon', it softened the mood.'

The pair have been the subject of quite a bit of hate after coming out, but say they have made more friends than they've lost.

Denise said: 'I got a lot of negativity, I got a lot of "Oh I've heard about your situation," but it makes me smile, because look at us now.

'We had two lists - one of the people we thought would be OK with it, and those who we thought wouldn't, and they reversed themselves. It was really strange.'

Kristiana sat down with her son, Stephen when he was seven and explained what was happening, promising to still do dad things and to always be there for him.

They also gave him links to information and spent time answering any questions.

Kristiana said: 'I very quickly became mum and Denise is mummy.'

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Denise and Kristiana Taylor, pictured here as Stephen, will walk down the aisle again 21 years after first getting married - but both wearing ivory dresses

Denise and Kristiana Taylor, pictured here as Stephen, will walk down the aisle again 21 years after first getting married - but both wearing ivory dresses

Taking it in her stride, Kristiana said she now gets approached for advice by colleagues at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Hospital Trust who may be going through similar things, saying she's become 'something of a celebrity within the trust'.

The couple also do talks on transgender issues, one of which was recently for staff at Thameside Prison in London.

Kristiana also wrote workplace policy for Canterbury Christ Church University, where she trained as a radiographer.

Denise, 44, says the couple were concerned about how their then seven-year-old son Stephen would react, but say he was 'very matter-of-fact about it'.

She said : 'He was really good, he was very matter-of-fact about it and just said "oh, okay".

'He was seven when he found out, and Kristiana printed off all the literature and said to him she was no longer living as a man for those reasons.

'We told him to read it and ask if he had any questions, but he was really, really good and hasn't been fazed by it at all.

'He actually told his friends at primary school, he wanted to tell them in his own words and help them understand it.

'We let him do that and that's pretty much where it went from there.

'Both my mum and dad have passed away, but I've got my brother and niece in Newcastle.

'We weren't sure how they'd deal with it, but they've been fantastic - they've all been so lovely and not fazed at all.

'When it came to Kristiana's family, her dad is no longer with us but her mum said she knew all along, as did her brother - it wasn't really a surprise to them.

'As far as she's concerned, she now has a daughter instead of a son, and Kristiana gets cards with daughter on instead of son.

'Sometimes, what makes a difference is how you've been brought up and how open you are with things.

'They haven't treated her any differently, it's the same as it was but instead of calling her son, they call her daughter, and her mum says she's got two daughters and a son.'

The couple renewed their vows in 2012 after more than 15 years of marriage, but just days later, former Royal Navy sailor Kristiana told Denise he wanted to have a sex change

The couple renewed their vows in 2012 after more than 15 years of marriage, but just days later, former Royal Navy sailor Kristiana told Denise he wanted to have a sex change

The couple named their son after Kristiana's former self, as they were expecting a girl and had 'no ideas for a boys name'.

But Denise said she is glad their son carries on Kristiana's old name.

The couple are throwing a rainbow-themed celebration to renew their vows, where they will both wear ivory dresses, although of a different design.

Denise added: 'We're terming this 'wedding' as a celebration - the way we're seeing it is these 60 guests are all people who have supported us since Kristiana came out.

'There were quite a few people who didn't accept it - we made a list of people who would and wouldn't be ac cepting and they reversed really.

'These are all our special friends, who have laughed and cried with us and supported us, the little things have made such an impact on us and they've supported us in varying ways.

'We are both wearing ivory dresses, but completely different styles, and we came across them by chance really.

'We both know what we're wearing but don't know how make up or hair will be done until the day.

'We've had our current rings since our first renewal, but we've purchased rainbow eternity rings to exchange on the day as we really wanted to do that.

'It's not going to be a traditional wedding, we're having a rainbow theme.

'Stephen is giving me away and Kristiana's best friend is giving her away, and we've got two very good friends as bridesmaids.' 

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