Kathryn Bigelow's 'Detroit' takes on a tragedy then — and now

Kathryn Bigelow's 'Detroit' takes on a tragedy then â€" and now

Tucked behind a sleepy tree-lined road, David Senak’s home gives the impression of suburban peace. A welcome flag hangs from the window. The garden is well-tended. On a recent afternoon, young neighbors were having a lacrosse catch.‎

But the idyll conceals a roiling past. Senak is the ur-symbol of law enforcement run amok. And his bid at a life of quiet anonymity â€" ‎made clear via a door-slam by a companion when a reporter came knocking â€" may be reaching an end.‎

Fifty years ago this week, the former Detroit policeman led a contingent that according to eyewitness testimony rounded up, intimidated, beat and shot an innocent group of mainly African Americans during the city's 1967 civil unrest. The ordeal, at the Algiers Motel, left three young men dead and many others battered. Senak and his fellow cops never served any jail time, and the incident was little known outside Detroit. ‎In recent years he has led a non-descript life in a predominantly whi te middle-class community about 45 minutes outside the city.

But the secrecy is now melting away, thanks to a jolting new movie from Oscar winner Kathryn Bigelow (“The Hurt Locker,” “Zero Dark Thirty”) that arrives in theaters Friday in limited release.

Titled “Detroit,” the film takes those events and, with the renamed character of Philip Krauss (played by young British actor Will Poulter), gives new expression to Senak and his cohort’s actions.‎

Bigelow infuses that summer night with the urgent viscerality of her overseas war films and the racial boldness of early-era Spike Lee. At a moment of national division â€" between the working and the wealthy, between Black and Blue Lives Matter movements â€" “Detroit” pushes us in a new direction. It not only offers a fresh read on a familiar sadness but reprograms the way cinema can process tragedy.‎

By portraying an All-American city that has repeatedly failed to bridge racial divides, where wealth and poverty are sharply delineated by neighborhood and neighborhood by color, the film has an impact greater than its scope. “Detroit” not only illuminates the police-minority dynamic in a Midwestern city circa 1967 â€" it sheds light on everywhere else right now.


“So Dismukes would have seen the muzzle flash from there,” Bigelow said, gesturing to a faded office building on Woodward Avenue as she referred to a security guard who was at the scene that night. “And he went to get his gun, and that’s when the police came around and entered here."

She took it all in. “Right there is where you registered. And this was the pool. And this was the breezeway between the main building and the annex, where it all happened.”

She let the memories filter through. “People were begging for their lives. I just kept thinking ‘they killed three people, and there’s one person they haven’t taken, then I’m next.’ I remember the voices of the cops yelling, again and again and again.”

She said, “You know, what happens in the movie is like ‘The Smurfs’ compared to what really happened.”

Dismukes said the brutality of the film only hints at what he saw too. “I just want people to know how violent it was â€" it was so much worse than people think,” he said, in a rare interview at a downtown Detroit hotel.

But what to do with this brutality? Is a situation made better by simply knowing about it? Is the period lens that makes it palatable to an audience also an obfuscat ing force? Ike McKinnon, one of the few black Detroit police officers in 1967 and later a police chief and deputy mayor, said that much has improved since the unrest, particularly with the integration of the force, but that the city hasn’t overcome its struggles â€" “that magic combination of black and white, of police and civilians.”

Mackie, who plays Greene, says honesty is lacking everywhere. “One thing we haven’t had is an open conversation about the relationship,” said the actor, one day before he attended a glitzy premiere at the city’s Fox Theatre. “About the fear and hatred black men have toward the police, and the fear and resistance cops have to black men. Police and black men are in a marriage. And unless you’re open, a marriage doesn’t work.”

Detroit is an extreme example of the segregation â€" economic, cultural, physical â€" that can divide the country more broadly. Officers’ ability in 1967 not only to commit the crimes but get away with them continues to echo everywhere. (Trials resulted in acquittals or dismissals for the three policemen and Dismukes.) Only the most unplugged would find no connection to current events; only the most anesthetized will leave the theater unjarred.

“I’m not trying to be authoritarian and tell people how to feel, but anger is an appropriate response,” Boal said. “This is something meant to be grappled with.”

But with that grappling could come criticism. Bigelow does say there are moments of fiction, and Boal notes instances of “pure screenwriting.” Some facts are contested within accounts; others were changed for the screen. Does a disclaimer at the end sufficiently cover fictional manipulations in an ostensibly true story?

What’s more, does the film make outliers the norm, alleging a disease of violent racism without proving it? Cinema is an emotional medium and the issue of police brutality at bottom an empiric problem â€" can an approach that embraces the former address the latter? The questions are as plenty as the accounts of that night. Injustice rarely rings out without interpretation.


Robert Greene was never found in the making of the film. Bigelow’s team couldn’t track him down, and Mackie never spoke to the veteran. Hersey’s book had him giving an interview about the Algiers as he returned to his native Kentucky. Perhaps he will surface with the release of the film; perhaps he has slipped away in the haze of trauma. For now, at least, he remains a mystery.

Except public records show that a man matching his name and age had in recent years lived at an address in Detroit, in the hardscrabble African American neighborhood of Grandale.

On a blazingly hot recent Saturday, an elderly neighbor sought refuge on a porch. Many of the homes, including the one belonging to Robert Greene, were unoccupied â€" bombed out, boarded up and falling apart. Some had already burned down or were razed.

Whether the house was occupied by the Greene who survived the Algiers incident or another neglected citizen was in a way beside the point. The riots are not a distant memory here, the stuff of period films to commemorate with premieres at restored theaters in gentrifying downtowns. They are alive, real, present, and just a few dozen miles from Senak’s well-manicured home. Long after the survivors left the Algiers, the divides of that night remain and persist.



Rebellion in Detroit: The real-life events that inspired Kathryn Bigelow's new film

'I had to photograph this shocking event.' What one journalist remembers 50 years after the Detroit riots

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