Mother of boy with Down's syndrome on what medics do wrong
A mother whose son has Down's syndrome has urged medics to change the way they speak to pregnant women about the condition.
Sarah Roberts, of Woking, Surrey, called on doctors, nurses and sonographers, to stop talking about the 'risk' of a child being born with Down's syndrome, and instead refer to the 'chance'.
Writing on Facebook, Sarah, whose five-year-old son, Oscar, was born with the condition, explained: 'If you look up the word risk in the dictionary, it says "a situation involving exposure to danger"... [but] the last time I looked, having Oscar hasn't exposed me or anyone else to danger.'
Her post struck a chord with parents and medical professionals around the world, with hundreds pledging to change the language they used with patients.

Appeal: Sarah Roberts, pictured with her son, Oscar, five, who has Down's Syndrome, urged medics to talk about the 'chance' of a child being born with the condition, rather than the 'risk'

Bright light: Sarah pointed out that Oscar, pictured, has never posed a 'risk' to her family

Moving post: Mrs Roberts wrote a post about the issue on her Don't Be Sorry Facebook page
One wrote: 'I am a doctor. I have never really thought about it like that before. I will now use the word chance instead after reading this. Thank you.'
Mrs Roberts, who also has a son Alfie and daughter Florence with husband Chris, wrote the Facebook post after a friend asked her own midwife to use 'chance' instead of 'risk' when talking about her nuchal scan, which is part of the screening test for Down's syndrome.
Writing on her Facebook page, Don't Be Sorry, Sarah continued: 'When women go for their scan around 12 weeks, bloods are taken as well as a measurement of the fluid behind the babies neck and from those combined results, they're given their "risk" of having a baby with Down Syndrome. E.g The risk of you having a baby with Down Syndrome is 1:10,0 00 for example.Â
'While I understand a lot of women want to screen or indeed go on to have further testing (whether it be the new NIPT or amniocentesis) I've often been puzzled by the use of the word "RISK". For If you look up the word risk in the dictionary, it says "a situation involving exposure to danger".

Family life: Mother-of-three Sarah and husband Chris with their sons Oscar and Alfie

Praise: Dozens of medics around the world praised Sarah and pledged to make a change
'The reason I've been known to talk about this on here before, is because last time I looked, having Oscar hasn't exposed me or anyone else to danger. Quite the opposite. So I (along with a lot of other parents of kids with DS) feel that "chance" would be a much better use of language.'Â

Proud: Sarah with her son Oscar
The post, which was accompanied by a picture of Oscar, has been shared more than 4,000 times and received thousands of 'likes' since it was written last week.Â
It also prompted hundreds of comments from grateful parents and medics who praised Mrs Roberts' argument.Â
One wrote: 'As a nurse who works in private industry (and sadly no chance of anything as wonderful as babies) your post has certainly got me thinking. 'Risk' is such a powerful & hard word that contains no joy or compassion. I like to think that I don't use words that frighten our employees - but your post has definitely made me consider what words I will choose in the future. Your words will resonate with health professionals from all aspects of health.'
Another posted: 'I am a sonographer and I completely agree wi th the use of the word "chance" and I will endeavour to use this word in future.'
Others pointed out that medics must lead by example. 'If medics are insensitive, what can we expect from civvies as it were,' one friend wrote.Â

Support: Sarah's post has been shared around the world by medics and parents alike
The NHS Choices website entry about the screening tests uses the word 'chance' rather than 'risk'.
Mrs Roberts, who also writes a blog about family life, later shared another post thanking users for their support.Â
She added: 'What has made me happiest about it though, is that I've had comments and private messages from so many healthcare professionals... all of whom have said they will be more mindful of their use of language and the way they approach it in the future.'
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