Mysterious leak at Folkestone church solved after 75 years

Mysterious leak at Folkestone church solved after 75 years

The mystery of a leaking church spire has finally been solved after more than 75 years has finally been cracked after it was revealed it was strafed by Nazi planes during World War II.

Restoration work at St Peter's Church in Folkestone, Kent, had to take a break over the last few months to investigate the damage to the church spire. 

After the seven-decade mystery which has seen the building leak since the war, workers discovered the holes were caused by strafing from Luftwaffe Messerschmitts.

Now restorers solved the riddle and concluded that damage caused by bullet holes in the lead roof was caused when German planes attacked the town during the Second World War.

Restoration work at St Peter's Church in Folkestone, Kent, had to take a break over the last few months to investigate the damage to the the church spire

Restoration work at St Peter's Church in Folkestone, Kent, had to take a break over the last few months to investigate the damage to the the church spire

A 20mm hole (pictured from the inside, left, and outside, right) was found to have pierced the ecclesiastical building, suggesting the damage was caused by German Messerschmitt planes

Remarkably, records even show the exact minute the place of worship was shot by the 'Hun.'

Church records report a raid by Messerschmitt bombers making 'a lightning attack in the harbour area' on March 27, 1941, at 9.23am.

Pat Catchpole, who remembers the attacks, said: 'At first it seemed very exciting.

'But then the planes came from the harbour and were shooting people in the streets. My friend's house on the corner was blown up.

'St Martin's convent next to the church was badly shot up. I was then evacuated as it was considered too dangerous for me to stay.

It has taken 75 years to discover the cause of the leak

It has taken 75 years to discover the cause of the leak

'My grandfather, the vicar, refused to leave his church and stayed throughout the war.'

A large crack and split through the support of the church's fleche added additional costs to the renovation project, funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund.

During the investigation work, church leaders were initially unclear about what caused the damage to a five-inch oak timber.

Now they know that bullet holes in the lead roof had splintered the central timber as they went through the wood, leaving 30mm holes.

A 20mm hole was also found to have pierced the ecclesiastical building, suggesting the damage was caused by German Messerschmitt planes.

The trajectory of the shots - 15 degrees from the pier side - suggests the damage came from a plane coming in off the channel.

At first the experts thought the holes may have been caused by anti-aircraft guns placed to defend the harbour, but the calibre of these guns was usually much larger.

The buildings around the church were damaged several times during the war and on one occasion, a bomb exploded in the road outside the church.

Historians believe the Germans were either targeting the railway into the harbour - which runs close to the church - or an anti-aircraft placement on the top of the cliffs overlooking the harbour.

Churchwarden David Wilson said he was amazed the steeple had not fallen down.

He added: 'The split in the shaft has meant that the steeple has been moving in high winds and letting the rain in under the lead-work.

'The church roof has been leaking long enough for everyone to believe that it has always leaked.

'It is good to now know the cause and to be to able to rectify it - even if it has taken some 75 years.'

This archive photo shows German Luftwaffe Messerschmitt planes in action during the World War II

This archive photo shows German Luftwaffe Messerschmitt planes in action during the World War II

The damaged timber will now be supported by a new splint and the old damaged oak timber will remain.

Restorers found a section of lead for patching over the bullet holes on each side of the spire.

The church also describes how bombs fell into the road outside the church, fractured a gas main and 'inflicted widespread damage on the church, which lost much of its roof and a number of stained glass windows'.

The raid also severely damaged the church organ and the town and church also suffered raids later on in the war, but this attack is believed to be the 'most likely culprit'. 

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