Photographer Finds Old Roll Of Film Inside Antique Camera And Has It Developed

Photographer Finds Old Roll Of Film Inside Antique Camera And Has It Developed

Second-hand shops are always fun to poke around in because of the hidden treasures they often hold.

Photographer Martijn Van Oers certainly found this to be true when he came across and bought an antique camera that had been made back around 1929. The purchase was already a great one, as it barely looked used at all, but what it held inside made it so much cooler.

While Van Oers was already pleased with the original Zeiss Ikon 520/2, he became even more delighted when he found an old roll of undeveloped film still tucked inside.

Having a lot of experience with developing film, his friend Johan Holleman offered to do it for him.

Through a long and painstaking process...

...Holleman worked with the decades-old film to reveal what it had captured.

When the photos were finished, the two guessed that they were taken somewhere between the 1940s and the 1970s.

Two featured a woman believed to be at a beach in Biarritz, France.

One of the photos shows a man, likely the original owner of the camera, standing there as well. Here it is compared with a more recent shot of the area below.

(via BoredPanda)

What an amazing find! It must have been an awesome experience for both of these men to take a look into the past. Be sure to check out more of Martijn's work on Instagram and Facebook.

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