Reading woman lost baby after relying on home doppler
Nine months pregnant with her first child and over a week overdue, Vicki McNelly woke up in the early hours fearing something was wrong with her baby.
Realising her movements had changed, she used a doppler she had bought to listen to Evie's heartbeat at home.
Convinced she could hear the comforting sound of her daughter, the 29-year-old felt reassured and went back to bed.
However, the next morning she realised her baby was not moving and visited her local hospital, where a sonogram revealed her much-longed-for child had died.
It transpired she may had heard the sound of her own heartbeat rather than that of her baby.
Mrs McNelly, from Mortimer, Reading, is now speaking out to warn oth er women about the dangers of relying on the devices, which are available over-the-counter or online for as little as £30.
It comes after a stillbirth charity has called on the Government to ban the sale of dopplers over fears they can provide false reassurance and lead to life-threatening medical delays. Â

Mrs McNelly and husband Stephen pictured saying a painful goodbye to their first born Evie

The customer service worker when she was overjoyed and pregnant with Evie in 2015
A petition from Kicks Count now has over 11,000 signatures as the charity's CEO compares trusting the foetal heartbeat detectors to relying on a 'Peppa Pig stethoscope' instead of being checked over by your GP.
Mrs McNelly, who works part time in customer services, said: 'The doppler gave me something to hold on to, I was convinced I could hear her heartbeat.
'Had I known how misleading home dopplers are I might have acted differently and gone to hospital sooner, my daughter might still be here.
'I wish I had listened to my instincts and sought help when I first felt something was wrong.'
I heard my own heart beat
Mrs McNelly and husband Stephen, 30, a Dyno-Rod engineer, had longed for children and were looking forward to the arrival of little Evie in June 2015.
The couple has found listening to their baby's heart beat at hospital scans such a bonding experience, so they purchased a doppler to use at home.
Manufacturers say it allows you to hear a heartbeat from as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy.
But when joy turned to tragedy, the couple were at a loss to understand why the device had still appeared to pick up the baby's heart beat.
Doctors told Mrs McNelly she may have been listening to just her own heartbeat on the device.
Limitations of home dopplers
Charities warns that the home versions of dopplers are not as sophisticated as professional equipment used in hospitals that cost in excess of £400.
Additionally, midwives who train for three years to differentiate sounds from the womb.
Women using home dopplers are relying on instructions on how to use them from YouTube tutorials.
Kicks Count CEO, Elizabeth Hutton says: 'Midwives and doctors train for many years to interpret what they hear through a doppler. It is a medical device, not an object to be used for entertainment.
'The placenta, and mother's heartbeat, can both easily be mistaken for a foetal heartbeat a nd women can be falsely reassured.'
Our eventual baby joy â" but this time we trusted our instincts

Mrs McNelly vowed not to use the device during second pregnancy with Florence (pictured)
Devastated Mrs McNelly and Stephen vowed to try again for another baby, and were delighted to fall pregnant with another girl, Florence, who will be one next week.
Vicki was adamant she would not use a home doppler during her second pregnancy.
She said: 'Pregnant women must learn their baby's movement routine and trust their gut.
'If in doubt, go for a check-up straight away, never wait. Dopplers are made so cheaply and women have zero training.
'I wish I hadn't relied on it, then my daughter may have been born safe and well.'
Experts' warningsÂ
In 2009 doctors cla imed foetal heart monitors were 'potentially dangerous to mother and baby's health' following a case very similar to Mrs McNelly's.
NHS Choices describes the machines as 'potentially dangerous to mother and baby's health' and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) also warns against using the personal heart monitors.
Britain's stillbirth and neonatal death rate is the third worst in the developed world with around 6,500 babies lost every year.Â
Kicks Count advises women to always seek medical advice if they notice a change in their baby's movements.
Elizabeth Hutton said: 'The presence of a heartbeat doesn't mean the baby is well, only that it is still alive.Â
'If the baby is in distress, this is when medical attention should be sought. Waiting until they can no longer find a heartbeat means it is sadly too late to save t hat baby.'
Kicks Count is working to reduce the number of stillbirths in the UK by highlighting the importance of a baby's movements. For more information visit here.
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