The everyday habits that rob your body of vitamins

The everyday habits that rob your body of vitamins

Are you tired, lacking in energy or suffering from aching muscles? 

Most of us suffer these complaints on a regular basis, but can struggle to pinpoint why.

However rather than some grizzly disease, it could in fact be some of your most everyday habits or healthy eating regime that are to blame.

Here, Dr Sarah Brewer, a medical nutritionist, reveals how our seemingly mundane rituals - and popular medications - could be depleting your body of vital vitamins and minerals…


Compounds found in these drinks, such as tannins in tea and chlorogenic acid in coffee, bind to various minerals in food and supplements, reducing their absorption. 

For example, coffee can reduce iron absorption by up to 80 per cent if drunk within an hour of a meal. 

These beverages also reduce the absorption of other minerals such as zinc, magnesium and calcium. 

Any hot food or drink can also destroy the bacteria in probiotic supplements or drinks.

Tea reduces the absorption of other minerals such as zinc, magnesium and calcium

Tea reduces the absorption of other minerals such as zinc, magnesium and calcium

SOLUTION: In general, drink water with meals and wash down supplements (and drugs) with water or orange juice, unless otherwise instructed.

Wait an hour before and after taking a vitamin or probiotic supplement before drinking a hot drink/eating hot food so as not to kill the bacteria.


Bran and phytates (compounds found in wholegrains, legumes, nuts, seeds and unleavened bread) bind to minerals in the gut so they remain unabsorbed. 

This can reduce your uptake of non-haem iron - that found in vegetables, cereals, beans and pulses, rather than red meat - by as much as 65 percent. 

It can also reduce your absorption of zinc, calcium and manganese.

This problem does not occur with leavened (yeast-raised) bread, as yeast enzymes break down phytates so mineral-binding does not occur.

SOLUTION: If you are following a high-fiber diet, ensure you obtain enough calcium, e.g. from milk and dairy products, broccoli, nuts, seeds and pulses. 

A pint of milk, for example, provides almost all your daily calcium needs. 

Vitamin C (e.g. from orange juice) can boost non-haem iron absorption.

Compounds in wholegrains and nuts bind to minerals in the gut so they remain unabsorbed

Compounds in wholegrains and nuts bind to minerals in the gut so they remain unabsorbed


Several studies, including a report from the World Health Organisation, have raised concerns about how oral contraceptive pills can lower a woman's levels of folic acid, vitamins B2, B6, B12, vitamin C and E plus magnesium, selenium and zinc.

Why the Pill affects blood levels of vitamins and minerals is not fully understood, but may partly be due to fluid retention.

The estrogen and progestogens used in the Pill are steroid hormones which have effects on the kidneys and the way salt and fluid balance is regulated. 

They tend to cause sodium and fluid retention, which can dilute the concentration of mi cronutrients in the blood.

There are also concerns that the Pill may reduce absorption of vitamins such as folic acid and increase their excretion through the kidneys.

This may lead to nutritional deficiencies â€" especially of folate/folic acid, lack of which increases the risk of foetal abnormalities (a concern if pregnancy occurs while taking the Pill or soon after stopping it).

Lower vitamin B2 levels may explain the headaches that some women experience with the Pill.

Estrogen and progestogens used in the Pill are steroid hormones which have effects on the kidneys and the way salt and fluid balance is regulated

Estrogen and progestogens used in the Pill are steroid hormones which have effects on the kidneys and the way salt and fluid balance is regulated

SOLUTION: It's important to follow a healthy, nutrient-rich diet that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Aim for at least five portions a day, including dark green leaves (kale, spinach, spring greens, etc) for folate. Nuts, seeds and wholegrains are good sources of vitamins and minerals, too.

If you are planning a pregnancy at some stage in the future, a multivitamin and mineral is a good idea.


These speed up the movement of food through the digestive tract so there is less time for nutrients to be absorbed. 

Excessive use of laxatives can deplete levels of many vitamins and minerals and can also lead to dehydration.

SOLUTION: A healthy diet providing plant fibres and sufficient fluids will help to avoid the need for laxatives. 

Concentrate especially on dietary sources of magnesium (wholegrains, nuts, seeds, beans, dark leaves, seafood, dark chocolate!) as lack of magnesium is a common cause of sluggish digestion.

Don't take laxatives regularly â€" especially those that have a fast response such as senna. Opt for more gentle versions such as fibre-based laxatives.

Alternatively, take a probiotic to improve your gut health and digestion to avoid the need for laxatives in the first place.


Antibiotics (especially those similar to penicillins whose names tend to begin with 'cef', e.g. cefalexin, which are sometimes used to treat infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease, sinusitis, cellulitis and urinary infections) can interfere with the absorption of vitamin K.

They also kill probiotic bacteria in the large intestine that produce vitamin K so that levels needed for healthy blood clotting, and healthy bones, are reduced.

Tetracycline antibiotics (e.g. doxycycline used to treat acne, urinary infections, chlamydia) also bind to calcium found in dairy products.


Dr Dick Middleton, chair of the British Herbal Medicine Association, says: 

'All herbal medicines under new laws must contain an information leaflet explaining when and how to take it, when to seek medical attention and detailing any possible side-effects. 

'They must display a THR (Traditional Herbal Registration) logo and unique number on the carton and leaflet that starts with the letters 'THR'.

'If you cannot see a logo or number, you cannot be sure of the safety and quality of the herbs used within the product; this is particularly important if buying from a website.'

This can decrease the absorption of both the antibiotic and calcium, meaning the drug is less likely to be effective. You're also at risk of calcium deficiency if using ant ibiotics long-term, e.g. to treat acne.

The main problem with broad-spectrum antibiotics such as these however, is that they can wipe out 'good' bacteria as well as the bad.

This can lead to well-known side effects such as diarrhea and Candida yeast infections (thrush), as well as contributing to symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome, such as bloating and constipation.

New research suggests that, by changing the balance of bacteria in the gut, antibiotics also increase the risk of anxiety and depression.

Just a single course increased the risk of depression by around 25 percent, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

SOLUTION: If you are taking long-term antibiotics (e.g. for acne) you will benefit from increasing your intake of several micronutrients.< /p>

Good sources of vitamin K are cauliflower, broccoli, dark green leafy vegetables and fermented foods such as soybean natto.

Calcium is found in dairy products, eggs, broccoli, nuts seeds and pulses. To increase your intake of magnesium, select wholegrains, nuts, seeds, beans â€" and dark chocolate. Leave an hour each side of talking antibiotics before consuming dairy products.

For those on long-term antibiotics, however, a multivitamin and mineral supplement is a good idea, along with a daily probiotic supplement to replenish your gut's digestive bacteria.

Opt for a supplement that supplies at least 5 different strains of Lactobacilli/Bifidobacteria, at a dose of at least 5 billion live bacteria, and preferably more such as Healthspan SuperPro 20, 60 tablets for £17.95. 

It's also important to ensure good intakes of v itamin D for general immunity. Enjoy 10 minutes sun exposure without sunscreen on sunny day days. Food sources of vitamin D include oily fish, liver, eggs or fortified foods.


Using too much sunscreen or avoiding the sun can both lead to vitamin D deficiency â€" which is bad for your bones and many other aspects of your health. 

This deficiency will also reduce your absorption of calcium from the food you eat.

SOLUTION: Consider taking a vitamin D supplements. 

Public Health England recommends that everyone takes 10mcg vitamin D3 throughout autumn and winter months. 

Eggs and oily fish can provide a small dose.

Too much sunscreen or avoiding the sun can both lead to vitamin D deficiency

Too much sunscreen or avoiding the sun can both lead to vitamin D deficiency


Most of us assume we pop vitamin C to reduce tiredness and fatigue and to stave off a cold. But it actually has an important role in digestion, too.

The stomach lining stores a lot of the vitamin C we get from our diet - the concentration can be 25 times higher than the level found in our blood.

This helps protect it from becoming inflamed by stomach acid and enzymes. This function of Vitamin C also helps to prevent stomach ulcers and bleeding.

Taking aspirin regularly â€" even small daily doses of mini-aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke â€" can increase the risk of increase the risk of ulcers and bleeding.

This is because it blocks the absorption of vitamin C into the body, therefore lowering the level of protective vitamin C in the stomach lining.

Occasional use of aspirin, e.g. to treat a headache. is usually fine. But if it causes indigestion, it's best to avoid it and seek medical advice.

SOLUTION: If you are taking long-term aspirin consider taking a vitamin C supplement, too. A non-acidic form of vitamin C (the best-known is a type called ester-C) will reduce the risk of acid indigestion.


As their name implies, antacids lower the level of acidity in your stomach.

However reducing the amount of acid in the stomach also makes it harder for the body to absorb calcium (needed for healthy bones, among many other things) non-haem iron (for carrying oxygen in red blood cells), magnesium (for over 300 enzymes in the body to work properly), zinc (for sex hormone balance and wound healing) and phosphorus (for energy production and healthy bones).

On average, this lack of acid means that anything from 50 to 80 percent fewer vitamins and minerals are absorbed by the gut.


It's not just saggy skin and creaky joints we have to worry about with age.

Just getting older can decrease our body's ability to absorb minerals, as the production of stomach acid naturally declines.

This can lead to a number of nutritional deficiencies, especially in folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, zinc and calcium.

SOLUTION: It's even more important to eat a balanced diet full of nutrient-rich foods as you age. 

If your diet is not as good as it should be, or if you are cutting back on food to lose weight or because of intolerances, a multivitamin or dedicated over-50s supplement is a good idea. 

With long-term use, this can have consequences as thinning bones, iron-deficiency anemia and poor wound healing.

Absorption of energy-boosting B group vitamins, especially vitamin B12, folate (but not folic acid) and vitamin C is also affected by acid-suppressing drugs

SOLUTION: If you need long-term acid suppressing medication, it's important to follow a nutrient-rich diet. 

Supplements can help, but lower levels will also be absorbed from these, so look for supplements with boosted levels such as those designed for people aged 50+ which take reduced acid secretion into account. 

Taking vitamin C with iron supplements will help boost absorption. Talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of long-term use of acid suppressing drugs.


Statins lower cholesterol levels by blocking a liver enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase).

However this enzyme is also used to produce co-enzyme Q10, a nutrient needed for energy production in cells.

Research has shown that taking a statin can halve your circula ting levels of co-enzyme Q10 within just four weeks.

And low levels of CoQ10 have been linked with muscle weakness, aches and pains â€" something many people taking statins complain of.

Statins also reduce your natural production of vitamin D3 in the skin. This can also contribute to muscle pain.

SOLUTION: If you are taking a statin, consider taking vitamin D3 and co-enzyme Q10 supplements. I usually advise taking co-enzyme Q10 in the 'body-ready' form of ubiquinol (100mg). 

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