Woman reveals harrowing postnatal depression ordeal
A young mother who thought she had the 'baby blues' has revealed how her battle with psychosis caused her to become suicidal, hear angry voices and hallucinate about drowning her baby.
Kirsten Hay, 23, from Dundee, was sectioned twice after giving birth to Oscar Stewart and is now speaking out about her ordeal to encourage others to seek help.
When Kirsten discovered she was 12 weeks pregnant at the age of 19 she initially decided it wasn't the right time and made the difficult decision to have a medical abortion - but the procedure failed.
After deciding it was 'a sign from God' to keep her baby, Kirsten, who works as a carer for adults with autism, persevered through the pregnancy but started to hear voices telling her she was 'worthless' and a 'baby killer'.

Ordeal:Â Kirsten Hay (pictured with newborn baby Oscar in February 2014) was sectioned twice after giving birth and is speaking out about her experience to encourage others to seek help

At first, Kirsten felt 'no bond' with baby Oscar. Kirsten was eventually diagnosed with postpartum psychosis and sectioned for the first time in September 2014
First-time mother Kirsten claims she can't even remember giving birth to her son in February 2014 but recalls thinking 'your baby is coming and you don't even want him' - and then refusing to hold her newborn when he was handed to her.
Over the next seven months, Kirsten spiralled into such severe depression that she became suicidal and started to suffer vivid dreams and hallucinations about jumping off cliffs and bridges holding Oscar.
Kirsten was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis and sectioned for the first time in September 2014, then again in February 2015 when she stopped taking her antidepressants and anti-psychotic medication.
After a three-year ba ttle with the terrifying illness, Kirsten has made a full recovery and formed an incredible bond with her little boy.
Kirsten revealed: 'At about 34 weeks I went into early labour. I got cramps and started to bleed so I was taken to hospital.

Early days:Â Kirsten can't remember giving birth to her son in February 2014 but recalls thinking 'your baby is coming and you don't even want him' - and then refusing to hold her newborn

New beginnings:Â After a three-year battle with the terrifying illness, Kirsten has made a full recovery and formed an incredible bond with her little boy Oscar (now three)
'The doctors managed to stop the baby from coming but I remember that's when I started to hear the voices.
'They [the voices] said I was a bad mum and that none of this would be happening if I hadn't tried to have an abortion.
'They said my baby was going to die because of me, because I hadn't been excited and gone to every scan or bought all the clothes and a buggy.
'They told me I was worthless and selfish. It was horrible. When I went into labour again a few weeks later, I remember going into hospital but the rest is a blur.
'The only thing I remember about actually giving birth is the voices telling me the ba by was going to be born dead because I didn't love him and I didn't want him.
'The midwife tried to put him on my chest for that skin-on-skin contact and I turned away and said to let my mum hold him. I couldn't do it.
'When we got to the baby ward I remember him crying and crying and I just hated him.

Difficult time:Â Kirsten was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis and sectioned for the first time in September 2014, then again in February 2015 when she stopped taking her medication

Ordeal:Â Kirsten, who works as a carer for adults with autism, persevered through the pregnancy despite hearing voices telling her she was 'worthless' and a 'baby killer'
'I feel so terrible to even say it now - it was so scary. I could see other mums holding their babies surrounded by cards and balloons.
'They were so happy and I was just alone. I felt no bond at all with my baby, I just felt horrendous.
'When Oscar and I got home, things kept deteriorating. Oscar was always really well looked after and healthy, I did everything I was meant to but I didn't enjoy being near him.
'I would just look at him sometimes and think to myself, "How did you create this beautiful, perfect little human but you feel absolutely nothing towards him?"
'He was just a stranger to me. I mentioned to p eople that I thought I had the baby blues but I never told anyone about the voices.
'I knew it wasn't normal and the idea of someone taking him away from me was so scary. It sounds weird but as much as I didn't want him, the thought of him being taken from me was petrifying.'

Kirsten now has a close bond with Oscar (pictured) despite voices telling her she 'was worthless and selfish' during her pregnancy. She says going into labour was 'a blur'
She recalled: 'I became suicidal and I tried to kill myself once. I don't really remember what happened but I have a scar on my arm. Just thinking about it now makes me feel sick.
'I started to have these hallucinations and really vivid dreams about jumping off a cliff and I'd be holding Oscar.
'The worst one was I would jump off a bridge and then hold Oscar under the water.
'They felt so real that I was too frightened to sleep. I would set alarms for every 15 minutes just to stop myself from nodding off.'
Shortly after finding out she was pregnant and facing single parenthood, Kirsten's own mum, Vicky Hay, was ru shed into hospital after suffering a brain aneurysm.
Instead of focusing on herself and the baby, Kirsten spent every day visiting her mum who had become paralysed and lost a lot of her memory.

Turning point: Last summer while out at the park with Oscar, Kirsten said she felt her first ever 'burst of excitement' over being a mum and now the pair are inseparable
When it felt like her mum was 'giving up' Kirsten promised her that if she pulled through and started walking again then she could name the baby - and Vicky made a full recovery.
Unable to stand being around her baby all day, Kirsten went back to working full-time when Oscar was just eight weeks old, leaving the tot with a child minder from 8am to 6pm.
As Kirsten kept the voices and hallucinations a secret and Oscar was meeting all his milestones and being well fed, alarm bells never rang until the first-time mum had a 'meltdown' while shopping in September 2014.
After being sectioned Kirsten was put on antidepressant mirtazapine and antipsychotic medication risperidone.
During her three months in hospital Kirsten regularly saw Oscar while being treated by a psychiatrist and went to classes to learn how to cook and to meet other mums.

'We do everything together': Kirsten says she and Oscar whether are 'always up to something. We're making up for all that lost time'
But when she was discharged just before Oscar's first Christmas, Kirsten stopped taking her medication, which caused a major relapse and for the mum to be sectioned again for a month in February 2015.
Over the last two years, with the 'amazing' support of her doctors and social services, Kirsten has battled her demons.
Last summer while out at the park with Oscar, Kirsten said she felt her first ever 'burst of excitement' over being a mum and now the pair are inseparable.
Kirsten now works part-time so she can spend as much time as possible with Oscar - taking him swimming, going to the zoo and doing whatever she can to make up for the time she lost.
Kirsten said: 'When I found out I was pregnant I was already 12 weeks gone. I knew I didn't want a baby but my mum was so supportive and offered to help loads so I knew at least I wasn't going to be alone.
'Then she was taken into hospital and everything fell apart. She was paralysed and she couldn't remember much. It was so stressful seeing her like that and I couldn't focus on the baby at all.'

New beginning:Â Over the last two years, with the 'amazing' support of her doctors and social services, Kirsten has battled her demons

Kirsten now works part-time so she can spend as much time as possible with Oscar - taking him swimming, going to the zoo and doing whatever she can to make up for the time she lost
Kirsten recalled: 'When it got to 15 weeks I decided that having a baby really wasn't what I wanted and booked an abortion.
'They gave me the tablet that is meant to stop the baby's heart but at the next appointment they told me his heart was still beating.
'It was a sign from God that I had to keep him but I felt so bad that he was a little fighter and I didn't want him.
'Just thinking about it now makes me feel so awful and so guilty. I can't imagine my life without him. He's a happy wee boy and his imagination is absolutely wild.
'I remember the first day I felt like his mum. We were in the park and I was watching him play and I just felt this burst of excitement, it was amazing. I'd never felt anything like it before.
'Then he started calling me "Mummy" and saying "I love you" all the time and it just clicked. He is my child and I absolutely love him.'Â

Kirsten on a day out with Oscar. She said:Â 'I can't imagine my life without him. He's a happy wee boy and his imagination is absolutely wild'

Kirsten is urging other mothers to speak out, saying:Â 'I really wish I had said something sooner and not been so frightened. I felt so scared and isolated but I want other mums to know they are not alone'
Kirsten added: 'Now we do everything together, whether it's going to the park or swimming or a night of DVDs and munchies, we're always up to something. We're making up for all that lost time.
'I never ever thought I would get to where I am but that's why I would encourage any mum feeling even a little bit of what I was to not just dismiss it as baby blues, speak to someone.
'The support you can get really is amazing and nobody is going to take your baby off you, they're there to help.
'I really wish I had said something sooner and not been so frightened. I felt so scared and isolated but I want other mums to kno w they are not alone.'
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