High Wycombe man turned jihadi moans Raqqa isn't the same

High Wycombe man turned jihadi moans Raqqa isn't the same

A former Morrisons security guard turned jihadi has moaned that the 'high life' of 'cocktails and ice cream' in the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa is over.

Omar Hussain, 30, from High Wycombe, who now refers to himself as Abu Sa'eed Al-Britani, complained about terrorists fleeing Raqqa. 

US-backed troops have now fully encircled ISIS fighters in Raqqa, the capital of the group's self-proclaimed caliphate.

It comes as Iraqi forces close in on recapturing Mosul, in Iraq, from the terror group, prompting Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to declare 'the end of the fake jihadist state'. 

Omar Hussain, 30, from High Wycombe, has complained about ISIS terrorists fleeing Raqqa as US-backed fighters surround the city 

Omar Hussain, 30, from High Wycombe, has complained about ISIS terrorists fleeing Raqqa as US-backed fighters surround the city 

Hussain, who left Britain in 2013, criticised ISIS fighters running away from Raqqa as US-backed fighters tightened the noose around the Syrian city.

Using the encrypted channel Telegram, he said: 'Last few years Raqqa was the centre of dunya [Islamic State] here in Sham â€" compared to the other wilayahs [provinces].

'From cocktails, ice creams, easy lifestyle… Brothers getting married once, twice, even three times. It was central to the 'high life' in jihad. 

'Now that the Kuffaar [non believers] r near so many Muhajireen and Ansar [warriors] have fled to other towns.'

He also bemoaned male fighters who had left Raqqa, while praising women who had st ayed, the Sun reported. 

'Many Muhajireen and so-called Ansar have fled away,' he said.

'The filth and scum who came to Raqqa for worldly reasons r now running away while we have SISTERS who r signing up for martyrdom operations in Raqqa.

'I have no idea how a man can go home 2 his wife or look at her in the face while having run away from Raqqa.

'May Allaah expose every coward who was here in Raqqa when there was safety yet has fled due to fear of the Kuffaar.'

US-backed troops have now fully encircled ISIS fighters in Raqqa, the capital of the group's self-proclaimed caliphate

US-backed troops have now fully encircled ISIS fighters in Raqqa, the capital of the group's self-proclaimed caliphate

The 30-year-old also complained about the stifling heat in Syria, saying: 'Summers in Sham [Syria] are a killer.

'Either sleep topless and get bitten by flies and insects but be a bit cool. Or sleep with clothes on, not get bitten but get really hot.' 

He has previously complained about the difficulties of completing the most basic daily jobs.   

These include menial tasks such as peeling potatoes for his dinner and washing his clothes. 

Hussain left Britain in December 2013, flying to Turkey via Gatwick, despite being a known extremist who was stopped at Heathrow airport six months earlier.

He first joined the Al Qaeda affiliate d group Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria before switching to ISIS after just four months. 

Once in Syria, he began making threats against the UK on the internet.

He warned how he would like to return to bomb Britain, and in one ISIS video described former Prime Minister David Cameron as a 'despicable swine'.

He has even appeared on BBC2's Newsnight, saying: 'I hate the UK, the only reason why I would intend to return to the UK is when I want to come and plant a bomb somewhere.'

He urged fanatics to carry out lone wolf knife attacks just weeks before the Westminster terror atrocity, which he later described as 'beautiful.'

The former supermarket security guard-turned jihadi recruiter (pictured in another video message) used the secret messaging app Telegram to complain about the weather in Syria

The former supermarket security guard-turned jihadi recruiter (pictured in another video message) used the secret messaging app Telegram to complain about the weather in Syria

Last year Hussain urged fanatics to beat up and rob drunken revellers out celebrating in the run-up to Christmas so they could buy knives.

In a separate blog post, he dolled out advice for jihadi brides, urging them to 'cook nice food' for their husbands and 'be presentable in your appearance'.

Telegram was used by fanatics before the attacks on Nice in July 2016 and Berlin in December last year.

The platform is a favourite of terrorists because it uses end-to-end encryption, which is designed to make sure only senders and recipients can view the content of messages, making it hard for security services to hack into.

It is believed that sick videos of high profile attacks were also posted on Telegram by jihadists to 'inspire' each other, including the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich and the 7/7 London bombings.  

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