Piers Morgan: JK Rowling's Trump slur proves her hypocrisy

Piers Morgan: JK Rowling's Trump slur proves her hypocrisy

JK Rowling hates Donald Trump.

I don’t just mean she dislikes him intensely, I mean she loathes him with a raw, visceral fury.

The billionaire Harry Potter author broadcasts this fact on a daily basis to her 11 million followers on Twitter.

Barely an hour goes by without Ms Rowling publicly attacking, mocking, sneering at and generally abusing Trump.

Of course, that is entirely her prerogative and she is far from alone in this regard.

A lot of people, including many left-wing celebrities like her, feel the exact same way about the 45th President of the United States.

Politics is a passionate business. It inflames people.

And no politician in the history of Planet Earth inflames people quite as much as Donald J. Trump.

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J.K. Rowling hit out at President Donald Trump in a series of tweets where she blasted the president after seeing an edited video that attempts to show Trump refusing to shake the hand of a disabled boy

J.K. Rowling hit out at President Donald Trump in a series of tweets where she blasted the president after seeing an edited video that attempts to show Trump refusing to shake the hand of a disabled boy

But in the real, unedited clip shared by the White House, Trump is seen greeting the little boy (above) before starting a press conference on Obamacare. That edited video clip sent Rowling on a Twitter rant where she alleged that the president avoided the little boy
The disabled little boy named Monty, is pictured above with his mother in a file photo

But in the real, unedited clip shared by the White House, Trump is seen greeting the little boy (left) before starting a press conference on Obamacare. That edited video clip sent Rowling on a Twitter rant where she alleged that the president avoided the little boy (pictured right)

On Friday, a video was posted on Twitter by Ansel Herz, deputy communications director for Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

It showed Trump appearing to avoid shaking hands with a disabled child before leaving a White House function.

‘Child in wheelchair reaches up twice to shake the president’s hand,’ was Herz’s simple but devastating caption.

‘If you’re disgusted by this,’ he added, ‘follow my boss: @RepJayapal. People call her ‘the anti-Trump’. ‘

Disgust duly followed.

The short video clip went viral within minutes, sparking horror and rage around the world.

Keith Olbermann, infamous left-wing political commentator who now hosts a Trump-bashing GQ webshow ‘The Resistance”, led the charge, re-tweeting Herz’s video clip with the words: ‘About Trump, this is mortifying, revelatory. OTOH, I’m somebody who shook his damnable hand. The child is fortunate he didn’t touch the evil.’

For JK Rowling, this was the moment she had long been waiting for.

Here, right before our very eyes, was actual visible proof that Trump really is a barbaric, callous monster as she keeps saying.

She hit her laptop faster than Usain Bolt hits his stride.

First, Rowling retweeted Herz’s tweet alongside a quote she had located from legendary civil rights activist Maya Angelou th at read: ‘When someone shows you who they are, believe them.’

Rowling sent a series of tweets blasting Trump after sharing an edited video that seemingly shows Trump avoiding shaking the hand of a a wheelchair-bound boy at a press conference last week. The edited video has since been taken off of Twitter

Rowling sent a series of tweets blasting Trump after sharing an edited video that seemingly shows Trump avoiding shaking the hand of a a wheelchair-bound boy at a press conference last week. The edited video has since been taken off of Twitter

In other words, THIS was the real Donald Trump: a merciless man who would deliberately ignore a young disabled child reaching up to shake his hand.

Seconds later, she tweeted again: ‘Trump imitated a disabled reporter. Now he pretends not to see a child in a wheelchair, as though frightened he may catch his condition.’


No room for ambiguity there.

Rowling was very clear: Trump knew the disabled child was there and snubbed him because he was worried about being infected with whatever disease the boy may have.

Tweets No3 and No4 came together, fast and furious: ‘This monster of narcissism values only himself and his pale reflections. The disabled, minorities, transgender people, the poor, women…(unless related to him by ties of blood, and therefore his creations) are treated with contempt, because they do not resemble Trump.’

Then, in tweet No5, Rowling got personal, invoking the spirit of her mother who died in 1990.

‘My mother used a wheelchair. I witnessed people uncomfortable around her disability, but if they had a shred of decency they got over it.’

Tweet No6 explained this was why Rowling felt SO enraged: ‘So, yes, that clip of Trump looking deliberately over a disabled child’s head, ignoring his outstretched hand, has touched me on the raw.’

Again, she left no room for any doubt. Trump hadn’t accidentally snubbed the boy, he had done it ‘deliberately.’

Tweet No7 clarified why this was so vile: ‘That man occupies the most powerful office in the free world and his daily outrages against civilised norms are having a corrosive effect.’

And then, in Tweet No8, JK Rowling reached peak anger: ‘How stunning,’ she wrote, ‘and how horrible, that Trump cannot bring himself to shake the hand of a small boy who only wanted to touch the President.’

 It turns out that Trump spent more time with the boy in the wheelchair than any other guest - displaying all the compassion and empathy he had been accused of failing to display

 It turns out that Trump spent more time with the boy in the wheelchair than any other guest - displaying all the compassion and empathy he had been accused of failing to display

By this stage, it would be hard not to share Rowling’s uncontrollable rage â€" right? I suspect most of her 11.4 million Twitter followers would certainly have felt that way.

They trust Rowling.

As she never ceases to remind us from her high moral plinth, she is the very beacon of honesty, decency and fairness in a world increasingly blighted by Trump-related lies, indecency and unfairness.

She, like Rep. Jayapal, is the ‘anti-Trump’.

She is someone who would never snub a disabled boy.

There’s just one problem: it was all a lie.

Trum p didn’t snub the boy. In fact he did the complete opposite.

The full video of this incident emerged several hours after Rowling tweeted.

It shows Trump heading directly to the boy the moment he entered the room.

He greets him before he greets anyone else.

As she never ceases to remind us from her high moral plinth, Jk Rowling is the very beacon of honesty, decency and fairness in a world increasingly blighted by Trump-related lies, indecency and unfairness 

As she never ceases to remind us from her high moral plinth, Jk Rowling is the very beacon of honesty, decency and fairness in a world increasingly blighted by Trump-related lies, indecency and unfairness 

Then the President crouches down, touches the boy and talks just to him for a few more seconds before moving on.

It turns out that Trump spent more time with the boy in the wheelchair than any other guest - displaying all the compassion and empathy he had been accused of failing to display.

By the time this longer video appeared, the original edited clip was everywhere, gleefully fuelled by high profile liberals.

Chelsea Clinton, who has 1.8 million followers, seized on Rowling’s tweets, re-tweeting both the Maya Angelou quote and clip, and the one about how ‘stunning and horrible’ it was that Trump snubbe d the boy.

As Sir Winston Churchill once said: ‘A lie gets halfway round the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.’

Ansel Herz, once he saw the full video, immediately removed his tweets.

‘Deleted because it turned out to missing some context,’ he said. ‘Apologies.’

Missing some context? You can say that again, buddy.

Let’s be very clear: you made the whole world think Trump hates disabled kids.

Now, at this point, some five hours after her vicious tweet-storm, JK Rowling started to be bombarded with demands to delete her own tweets and apologise. I tweeted her myself to say: ‘What’s stunning and horrible is how you lied to viciously smear Trump. Delete these lies.’

She didn’t respond, to anybody.

The world’s most aggressively self-righteous tweeter went unusually silent.

A whole day went by.

Then another.

Finally, more than 48 hours later, Rowling came back on Twitter yesterday.

But not, it transpired, to delete the tweets that she now knew were 100% wrong.

No, instead she wished to rant about some deeply offensive comments made by an Irish newspaper columnist.

‘This filth was published in the Sunday Times,’ she seethed. ‘Let that sink in for a moment.’

I didn’t have much time to let it sink in before the newspaper concerned deleted the column, profusely apologised and fired the journalist who wrote it.

Yet, incredibly, indignant Rowling saw no inconsistency in allowing her own deeply offe nsive tweets about Trump and the disabled boy to remain on her feed.

Even the boy’s mother pleaded with her to remove the tweets.

‘Ummm,’ said Marjorie Kelly Weer in a Facebook post, ‘if someone can please get a message to JK Rowling. Trump didn’t snub my son & Monty wasn’t even trying to shake his hand (1. He’s 3 and hand shaking is not his thing. 2. He was showing off his newly acquired secret service patch). Thanks.’

But this too fell on deaf, or stubborn ears.

Last December, in yet another rant about Trump, JK Rowling made her feelings crystal clear about people who don’t apologise for getting things wrong.

She did so by tweeting this quote from the 17th century French writer Francois de la Rochefoucauld: ‘No people are more frequently wrong than those who will not admit they are wrong.’

It has now been three days since JK Rowling posted a pack of lies about Donald Trump to her 11 million followers.

She knows it was wrong. We all know it was wrong.

Yet, as I write, she still refuses to delete the tweets, correct her lies, or apologise.

Even if she does so now, perhaps after reading this column, the damage has been done.

By contrast, everyone else I have mentioned did remove their tweets once they realised the truth.

Herz deleted, Olbermann deleted and Chelsea Clinton, when I brought it to her attention yesterday, also deleted.

Rowling, however, would prefer to continue using a three-year-old disabled boy to falsely smear Donald Trump, such is her blind hatred for the man.

By doing so, she is telling her millio ns of young impressionable Potter fans that it’s absolutely fine to lie and never correct or apologise for a lie â€" after spending the past two years telling them that Trump is disgusting because he lies and never corrects or apologises for his lies.

This makes her a shameful, disgraceful hypocrite.

Nobody should believe a word this self-appointed High Priestess of Honesty ever says again, about anything. 


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